  1. Chlorpheniramine has neither specific antitussive nor expectorant nor bronchodilator action, but is commonly present in proprietary cough formulations.
  2. Noscapine (an antitussive) is present in opium but has no analgesic or addicting properties.
  3. Dextropropoxyphene is a codeine like analgesic which has poor antitussive action. Its levo-isomer is antitussive.
  4. Oxeladin, Clophedianol and Dextromethorphan are anti-tussives used in dry cough treatment.
  5. Antitussives act by raising the threshold of cough center and reducing cough-inducing impulses from the lungs.
  6. Mucokinetic is a drug which makes respiratory secretions more watery.
  7. Codeine is used clinically as an Analgesic, Antitussive and as an Antidiarrhoeal.
  8. Bromhexine (mucolytic) acts by depolymerizing mucopolysaccharides present in sputum.
  9. Potassium iodide (an expectorant) acts both directly on the airway mucosa as well as reflexly.
  10. Bronchodilators are useful in cough only when reflex bronchoconstriction is associated.