Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

841. Opium contains;
a- morphine
b- codeine
c- thebaine
d- papaverine
e- all of the above

842. Each of the below given oral antidiabetics is an insulin secretagogue except;
a- rosiglitazone
b- tolbutamide
c- chlorpropamide
d- repaglinide
e- glimepiride

843. Which one among the following is the cause of the hallmark symptom of  'fruity odor breath'?
a- acute alcohol consumption
b- halothane toxicity
c- diabetic ketoacidosis
d- grapefruit juice interaction with a STATIN
e- pancreatitis

844. St. John's wort is used for the treatment of;
a- absence seizures
b- Alzheimer's disease
c- malaria
d- mild to moderate depression
e- bacterial infections of the abdomen

845. The type of emulsion produced with lecithin is;
a- oil in water
b- water in oil
c- oil in water in oil
d- water in oil in water
e- both a and b

846. Local anesthetics produce their desired pharmacological effect by interfering with neuronal impulse conduction through;
a- inhibiting efflux of potassium ions
b- inhibiting influx of sodium ions
c- stimulating chloride ions influx
d- inhibition of sodium-potassium ATPase pump
e- GABA receptor stimulation

847. The correct formula for the calculation of the friability test of tablets is;
a- (W1−W2)×100
b- (W2−W1)×100
c- (W1−W2)÷W1×100
d- (W2−W1)÷W2×100
e- W1÷W2×100

848. People that are older than 50 years have a decreased ability to absorb one of the following vitamins and therefore should be encouraged to supplement it in order for their bodies to have the required levels;
a- thiamine
b- pantothenic acid
c- vitamin B9
d- cobalamin
e- ascorbic acid

849. How many oxygen molecules can be carried by a single molecule of hemoglobin?
a- only one
b- two
c- three
d- four
e- sixteen

850. As a side effect, constipation can occur with:
a- anticholinergic drugs
b- opioids
c- oral iron
d- bile acid sequestrants
e- all of the above

851. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of folate (vitamin B9) for adults is;
a- 50 micrograms
b- 250 micrograms
c- 400 micrograms
d- 1 milligram
e- 2 milligrams

852. The IDEAL properties of an ANTACID include all of the following except one. Identify which one?
a- it should not produce CO2
b- it should be orally absorbable
c- it should not cause laxation or constipation
d- it should be insoluble and rapidly neutralize acid
e- it should not cause systemic alkalosis

853. The property that is NOT exhibited by flocculated suspensions is;
a- forms soft cake
b- forms non-porous sediment
c- the rate of sedimentation is high
d- the sediment can be easily re-dispersed by agitation
e- the volume of sediment is high

854. A DVT patient is to be given heparin. The available product in pharmacy is the 500 ml bag of heparin infusion solution that contains 100 IU per ml. The weight of the patient is 80 kg and she should receive 18 units/kg/hour as per the order of the medical practitioner. How many milliliters of this solution should the patient receive in two hours?
a- 14.4
b- 28.8
c- 100
d- 250
e- 500

855. In sugar-coating of tablets, primarily which sugar is used?
a- mannitol
b- lactose
c- sucrose
d- maltose
e- glucose

856. A critical cardiac patient is admitted to the hospital whose cholesterol level is being checked and is found to be 6.4 millimoles per liter. Convert this cholesterol level into mg/dL given the molecular weight of cholesterol is 387.
a- 0.2477 mg/dL
b- 2.4768 mg/dL
c- 24.768 mg/dL
d- 247.68 mg/dL
e- 2476.8 mg/dL

857. Milk of magnesia is;
a- magnesium hydroxide
b- magnesium oxide
c- magnesium carbonate
d- magnesium chloride
e- magnesium iodide

858. Substances that absorb moisture from the atmosphere gets dissolved in the absorbed moisture and forms aqueous solution are termed as;
a- hydrophilic
b- efflorescent 
c- hygroscopic 
d- humectant
e- deliquescent

859. A 45-year-old lady is hospitalized for a certain ailment. She weighs 90 kilos and her serum creatinine was found to be 0.4 mg/dL. Find out the creatinine clearance?
a- 180 ml/min
b- 252 ml/min
c- 297 ml/min
d- 328 ml/min
e- 360 ml/min

860. Systemic antacids get absorbed from the GIT and will produce systemic alkalosis. The example of systemic antacids is;
a- bismuth subnitrate
b- aluminum phosphate gel
c- magnesium trisilicate
d- sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
e- sodium bicarbonate

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
841 - e
842 - a
843 - c
844 - d
845 - a
846 - b
847 - c
848 - d
849 - d
850 - e

851 - c
852 - b
853 - b
854 - b
855 - c
856 - d
857 - a
858 - e
859 - b
860 - e