a- pharmaceutical equivalents
b- therapeutic equivalents
c- pharmaceutical alternatives
d- therapeutic alternatives
e- any of the above
782- The 'Orange Book' is;
a- another name of official USP
b- a resource for information about FDA-approved drugs
c- a comprehensive source of information on drug interactions
d- a medical guidebook for pregnant and lactating mothers
e- a catalog of discontinued drugs
783. The HLB scale for surfactants ranges from;
a- 0 to 10
b- 0 to 14
c- 0 to 18
d- 0 to 20
e- 0 to 40
784. The volume of 5cc syringe in terms of milliliters will be;
a- 1 ml
b- 3 ml
c- 5 ml
d- 10 ml
e- 15 ml
785. After compounding, the immediate-use CSP (compounded sterile preparation) should be administered to the patient;
a- right away
b- within 30 minutes
c- within an hour of compounding
d- within 4 hours following compounding
e- within 4 hours following the start of preparation
786. The best option for the treatment of a pregnancy disorder called preeclampsia is;
a- IV clonazepam
b- IV diazepam
c- IV lacosamide
d- IV magnesium sulfate
e- IV methyldopa
787. Clonidine is used to treat;
a- high blood pressure
b- diarrhea
d- opioid withdrawal
e- all the above conditions
788. One of the following is NOT a part of the anatomical structure of the stomach;
a- none of the below
b- fundus
c- cardia
d- chief cells
e- pylorus
789. The correct formula for the calculation of inventory turnover ratio is;
a- average inventory ÷ cost of goods sold
b- cost of sales ÷ average inventory
c- average inventory + cost of sales ✕ 365
d- inventory at beginning of year + inventory at end of year ÷ average inventory
e- cost of goods sold ÷ average inventory ✕ 100
790. In the intracellular fluid, the cation that is predominant in concentration is;
a- potassium
b- calcium
c- sodium
d- magnesium
e- phosphate
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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
781- c
782- b
783- d
784- c
785- e
786- d
787- e
788- a
789- b
790- a
If you have any suggestions or find some information inaccurate, plz let me know. Thanks.