Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

771. Dexamethasone Suppression Test is used for the diagnosis of;
a- uterine carcinoma
b- end-stage renal disease
c- Cushing’s syndrome
d- rheumatoid arthritis
e- hyperthyroidism

772. Bacteriophages are;
a- bacteria that eat and destroy other bacteria
b- bacteria that eat and destroy viruses
c- viruses that infect bacteria
d- the same as adenoviruses
e- the major cause of food poisoning

773. The appropriate time of sampling for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) is;
a- just after first half-life
b- at peak plasma concentration
c- after an hour of administration
d- just before administering the next dose
e- at steady-state plasma concentration

774. A patient with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) experiences difficulty walking as he is soon overcome by fatigue. The agent of choice for the symptomatic management of this condition is;
a- riluzole
b- fingolimod
c- ferrous sulphate
d- daclizumab
e- dalfampridine

775. Sort out the WRONG statement from the following;
a- lip gloss is used in winter to protect lips from dry weather
b- iatrogenesis is the harm caused by medical profession
c- penicillamine is a chelating agent
d- proniosomes upon hydration will produce niosomes
e- ketoconazole is a clinically proven powerful anti-dandruff

776. The irreversible inactivation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme by Echothiophate can be reversed before a key stage of aging. This aging step is particularly characterized by;
a- hydrolysis with tissue water
b- loss of alkyl group
c- lysosomal destruction of Echothiophate
d- intervention of immune system
e- scavenging of Echothiophate by pralidoxime

777. Which type of hepatitis is caused by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water?
a- Hepatitis A
b- Hepatitis B
c- Hepatitis C
d- Hepatitis D
e- both a and d

778. Identify the disease(s) among the following that can be called as 'silent killer'?
a- colon cancer
b- hypertension
c- coronary artery disease
d- diabetes
e- all of the above

779. A patient is considered to be 'hypotensive' if their blood pressure is;
a- less than 140/90 mm Hg
b- less than 120/80 mm Hg
c- less than 100/80 mm Hg
d- less than 90/60 mm Hg
e- 0/0 mm Hg 

780. Choose the agent from the following that is classified under the class of irreversible acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors;
a- echothiophate
b- parathion
c- cyclosarin
d- malathion
e- all of the above

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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
771- c
772- c
773- e
774- e
775- a
776- b
777- a
778- e
779- d
780- e