Pharmacy Subjects Multiple Choice Questions MCQs with Answer keys, Solved Pharmacy MCQs, GPAT, Pharmacology MCQs, KAPS Exam Preparation, PEBC exam questions, DHA, MOH exam, HAAD exam questions, SLE MCQs, NAPLEX questions, prometric mcqs, FPGEE questions

Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.

491. Pellagra is a disease caused by the deficiency of ;
a- thiamine
b- riboflavin
c- niacin
d- pyridoxine
e- phytonadione

492. Anti-TB drug Isoniazid can induce one of the following diseases;
a- goiter
b- anemia
c- scurvy
d- beriberi
e- pellagra

493. In children, vaccinations are recommended to protect them against various diseases. Which ONE of the following vaccinations is given at birth.?
a- MMR vaccine
b- polio vaccine
c- chicken pox vaccine
d- DTaP vaccine
e- hepatitis B vaccine

CDC recommendation of vaccine(s) during each pregnancy includes;
a- Tdap vaccine
b- Influenza shot if pregnancy happens during flu season
c- Both A and B
d- polio vaccine
e- all of the above

Most deadly hepatitis is;
a- Hepatitis A
b- Hepatitis B
c- Hepatitis C
d- Both A and B are deadly
e- All are equally deadly

496. The emergency contraceptive levonorgestrel is usually recommended to be taken within how many hours after unprotected sex to effectively prevent pregnancy?
a- 12 hrs
b- 24 hrs
c- 36 hrs
d- 72 hrs
e- 180 hrs

497. Pethidine is another name for;
a- methadone
b- fentanyl
c- tapentadol
d- meperidine
e- dextromethorphan

498. One of the below mentioned amino acids has the potential to cause high blood pressure. Identify?
a- arginine
b- histidine
c- glutamic acid
d- tyrosine
e- tyramine

499. Concurrent use of fluoxetine, tyramine or meperidine with selegiline is strictly prohibited because their co-administration can cause;
a- heart arrest
b- severe respiratory depression
c- refractory constipation
d- severe hypertensive crisis
e- kidney failure

Benzodiazepines equivalency table describes the equivalent doses of different benzodiazepines. According to this table, 3 mg of bromazepam is equivalent to;
a- 3 mg of alprazolam
b- 6 mg of chlordiazepoxide
c- 5
 mg of diazepam
d- 10 mg of oxazepam
e- 7 mg of temazepam


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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option

491- c

492- e

493- e

494- c

495- c

496- d

497- d

498- e

499- d

500- c