Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.
681. The top leading cause of death in the world is;
a- cancers
b- chronic lower respiratory diseases
c- chronic kidney disease
d- ischemic heart disease
e- diabetes mellitus
682. The strongest nucleophile among the following is;
a- water
b- ammonia
c- iodide ion
d- methanol
e- hydronium ion
683. All of the below given are examples of polar protic solvents except;
a- acetone
b- methanol
c- ammonia
d- acetic acid
e- water
684. Choose RNA virus among the following;
a- smallpox virus
b- herpes virus
c- hepatitis B virus
d- influenza virus
e- papilloma virus
685. According to USP, during compression the weight variation range for a tablet weighing 330mg is;
a- ±3%
b- ±5%
c- ±7.5%
d- ±10%
e- ±15%
686. Patients with peripheral vascular disease should not be given one of the following headache-relieving medicines;
a- ketorolac
b- aspirin
c- naproxen
d- ergotamine
e- indomethacin
687. Orlistat can interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine. For this reason it is not recommended to take these medicines together. The best way to take both these drugs is;
a- take both the meds with food
b- take both the meds with lots of fluids
c- complete the courses of both of these drugs in succession
d- take levothyroxine 30 minutes after orlistat
e- take both the drugs with at least 4 hours interval in between them
688. All salicylates cross the blood-brain barrier and placenta with the exception of;
a- aspirin
b- sodium salicylate
c- diflunisal
d- methyl salicylate
e- choline salicylate
689. Among the following identify the disease that is NOT an autoimmune disease;
a- Hashimoto's thyroiditis
b- insulin-resistant diabetes
c- vitiligo
d- emphysema
e- pernicious anemia
690. Identify the statement about NSAIDs that is not correct technically;
a- aspirin should be avoided in under-19 patients with viral infections
b- paracetamol is an NSAID drug
c- diflunisal doesn't cross BBB and placenta
d- ibuprofen is a propionic acid derivative
e- all NSAIDs possess anti-inflammatory activity
691. Globally, the second leading cause of death is;
a- cancers
b- road accidents
c- liver diseases
d- ischemic heart disease
e- diabetes mellitus
692. The definition of aneurysm is;
a- cyanosis of digits of hands and feet
b- localized abnormal dilatation of a blood vessel
c- microscopic lesions of the myocardium
d- necrosis of pulmonary parenchyma
e- neuronal degeneration in the elderly
693. The yellow color vitamin is;
a- pyridoxine
b- riboflavin
c- cholecalciferol
d- tocopherol
e- phytonadione
694. Myasthenia gravis can be grouped into which type of hypersensitivity reactions?
a- type I
b- type II
c- type III
d- type IV
e- none
695. All of the following are RNA viruses except;
a- mumps virus
b- rabies virus
c- adenovirus
d- HIV
e- hepatitis A virus
696. The site of action of the diuretic called furosemide is;
a- ureter
b- distal convoluted tubule
c- loop of Henle
d- proximal convoluted tubule
e- collecting duct system
697. The mechanism of action of mebendazole is;
a- cell wall synthesis inhibition
b- cell membrane synthesis inhibition
c- protein synthesis inhibition
d- microtubule synthesis inhibition
e- induction of lysosomal activity
698. Sulfur-containing vitamin is;
a- riboflavin
b- mecobalamin
c- thiamine
d- retinoic acid
e- cholecalciferol
699. Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is 'graft rejection'?
a- type I
b- type II
c- type III
d- type IV
e- type V
700. The biochemical function of the enzyme called xanthine oxidase is;
a- conversion of purines into xanthine
b- conversion of purines into hypoxanthine
c- conversion of hypoxanthine into xanthine
d- conversion of xanthine into uric acid
e- both c and d
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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
681- d
682- c
683- a
684- d
685- b
686- d
687- e
688- c
689- d
690- b
691- a
692- b
693- b
694- b
695- c
696- c
697- d
698- c
699- d
700- e
If you have any suggestions or find some information inaccurate, plz let me know. Thanks.