451. In pharmacognosy, the phytochemical test called Wagner test is used for the identification of;
a- glycosides
b- alkaloids
c- tannins
d- flavonoids
e- saponins
452. The general test for the detection of carbohydrates is;
a- Molisch's test
b- Wagner's test
c- Dragendroff's test
d- Ferric chloride test
e- Mayer's test
453. The medicinal plant 'deadly nightshade' is also known as;
a- senna
b- belladonna
c- rauwolfia
d- cinchona
e- digitalis
454. Medicinal plants heals many ailments in our bodies. One of the following plants has the capability to enhance memory by promoting brain blood circulation and thus is useful in slowing down the progression of alzheimer’s decease;
a- lavender
b- thyme
c- mint
d- rosemary
e- aloe vera
455. The original source of ergot alkaloids is;
a- botanical
b- zoological
c- algal
d- fungal
e- mineralogical
456. Identify the ergot alkaloid that is water-soluble among the following?
a- ergocryptine
b- ergocristine
c- ergosinine
d- ergometrine
e- ergotamine
457. The source of talc is;
a- plant
b- animal
c- marine
d- mineral
e- synthetic
458. Presence of moisture beyond a certain limit can lead to the deterioration of crude drugs. In this aspect the moisture content limit for digitalis is;
a- not more than 0.5%
b- not more than 1%
c- not more than 5%
d- not more than 8%
e- not more than 15%
459. Of the following organic compounds one will make froth or foam when shaken with water;
a- alkaloids
b- glycosides
c- saponins
d- tannins
e- anthraquinones
460. The limit of moisture content for starch in order for it not to deteriorate is;
a- not more than 0.5%
b- not more than 1%
c- not more than 5%
d- not more than 8%
e- not more than 15%
a- glycosides
b- alkaloids
c- tannins
d- flavonoids
e- saponins
452. The general test for the detection of carbohydrates is;
a- Molisch's test
b- Wagner's test
c- Dragendroff's test
d- Ferric chloride test
e- Mayer's test
453. The medicinal plant 'deadly nightshade' is also known as;
a- senna
b- belladonna
c- rauwolfia
d- cinchona
e- digitalis
454. Medicinal plants heals many ailments in our bodies. One of the following plants has the capability to enhance memory by promoting brain blood circulation and thus is useful in slowing down the progression of alzheimer’s decease;
a- lavender
b- thyme
c- mint
d- rosemary
e- aloe vera
455. The original source of ergot alkaloids is;
a- botanical
b- zoological
c- algal
d- fungal
e- mineralogical
456. Identify the ergot alkaloid that is water-soluble among the following?
a- ergocryptine
b- ergocristine
c- ergosinine
d- ergometrine
e- ergotamine
457. The source of talc is;
a- plant
b- animal
c- marine
d- mineral
e- synthetic
458. Presence of moisture beyond a certain limit can lead to the deterioration of crude drugs. In this aspect the moisture content limit for digitalis is;
a- not more than 0.5%
b- not more than 1%
c- not more than 5%
d- not more than 8%
e- not more than 15%
459. Of the following organic compounds one will make froth or foam when shaken with water;
a- alkaloids
b- glycosides
c- saponins
d- tannins
e- anthraquinones
460. The limit of moisture content for starch in order for it not to deteriorate is;
a- not more than 0.5%
b- not more than 1%
c- not more than 5%
d- not more than 8%
e- not more than 15%
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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
451- b
452- a
453- b
454- d
455- d
456- d
457- d
458- c
459- c
460- e
If you have any suggestions or find some information inaccurate, plz let me know. Thanks.