Note: Answer keys are given at the end of the MCQs.
a- myelosuppression
b- ototoxicity
c- nephrotoxicity
b- ototoxicity
c- nephrotoxicity
d- hepatotoxicity
e- vomiting
e- vomiting
282. The following agent(s) can be used in the treatment of lice in humans;
a- ivermectin
b- malathion
c- spinosad
d- lindane
e- all of the above
283. Sodium dehydrocholate is used in medicinal formulations as;
a- antacid
b- antiflatulent
c- nauseant
d- digestive aid
e- relaxant
284. What is metopine?
a- appetite stimulant
b- sleep-aid
c- atropine derivative
d- smoking-quit-aid
e- appetite suppressant
285. Major side effect associated with the use of Daunorubicin and Doxorubicin is;
a- myocardial toxicity
b- hepatic toxicity
c- renal toxicity
d- CNS toxicity
e- pulmonary toxicity 286. Which of the following class of drugs have the highest potential for abuse and thus are strictly controlled in most jurisdictions?
a- schedule I drugs
b- schedule II drugs
c- schedule III drugs
d- schedule IV drugs
b- schedule II drugs
c- schedule III drugs
d- schedule IV drugs
e- schedule V drugs
287. What is bromelain?
a- muscle relaxant
b- CNS stimulant
c- anti-nauseant
d- proteolytic enzyme
e- anti-colic
288. Biliary cirrhosis, a disease which is characterized by progressive destruction of bile ducts in the liver can be treated with the drug;
287. What is bromelain?
a- muscle relaxant
b- CNS stimulant
c- anti-nauseant
d- proteolytic enzyme
e- anti-colic
288. Biliary cirrhosis, a disease which is characterized by progressive destruction of bile ducts in the liver can be treated with the drug;
a- ursodeoxycholic acid
b- xipamide
c- zonisamide
d- ethosuximide
e- pantothenic acid
289. For the treatment of von Willebrand disease, one of the following agents is indicated;
a- tinidazole
b- nitazoxanide
c- leucovorin
d- pentamidine
e- desmopressin
290. Memantine is indicated in the treatment of;
a- parkinsons disease
b- alzheimers disease
c- amyotropic lateral sclerosis
d- cystic fibrosis
e- multiple sclerosis
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Answer Keys
MCQ # - Correct option
281- d
282- e
283- d
284- a
285- a
286- a
287- d
288- a
289- e
290- b
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